How To - Freezing Leftover Mashed Potatoes in Individual Servings

I do not even remember where I heard this idea, but it is fabulous. It provides you with perfectly sized portions and does not take a gazillion little containers to buy and then bounce around in your freezer. Incidentally, the edges of frozen plastic containers are very sharp and are best not dropped on bare arms – you may imagine for yourselves
how I know this.


Mashed Potatoes
Cooking Spray

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Start with leftover mashed potatoes of any kind. Spray muffin tins with cooking spray to keep the potatoes from sticking.
Spoon mashed potatoes into muffin tins. Smooth tops (This prevents having little projections that become brittle and break off when frozen).

Place in freezer for a few hours or overnight – until completely frozen. Pop out of muffin tins and store in a Ziploc bag or large plastic food container. Since the potatoes are frozen, they will not stick together and there is no need for multiple containers.

To Reheat: Microwave on High for about 2 minutes, test, stir and add more time if necessary.
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