Pork Loin and Sauerkraut

This is our family’s traditional meal for New Year’s. This Pork Loin and Sauerkraut recipe is for cooking on the stove top rather than in the oven, so this would be a great choice for warmer summer months because it does not heat up the house while cooking. (If you do not have a very heavy pan to keep it from burning while cooking, see 
Oven Method at the bottom of this post.) If you have members of your family who do not like sauerkraut (like me!), you could just scrape the sauerkraut off their portion. Most of us like the way it flavors the meat even if we do not like the sauerkraut itself.

You will want a good Pork Loin - We are using a rather large one here as you can see (I think about 3 lbs, but I do not remember exactly).  It is healthier if you trim off the excess visible fat.

You will also need sauerkraut.  My family prefers the kind that comes in a bag, but it does not matter in the least what type you have.

Brown the pork loin in a heavy pan which is large enough to hold the pork loin and sauerkraut and have the lid still fit properly. You can do this in whatever way you ordinarily brown any type of roast. A little oil in the pan on medium to medium high should do it nicely. Be sure to turn it so it browns on all sides since this is where a lot of the flavor comes from.

Deglaze the pan with a few tablespoons of water and add the sauerkraut around the pork loin. Turn the burner down to low and put the lid on the pan.

Cook for about 1-1 ½ hours (Depending on how large your pork loin and how done you like it – there is no harm in testing early). Then test for doneness and tenderness. Use a meat thermometer to test for doneness. The thermometer should register about or above 160-170 degrees Fahrenheit. You can poke a fork in to test for tenderness.

Oven Method:

After you have browned the Pork Loin and added the Sauerkraut, put it covered into the oven at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes per pound.

Many thanks to A Southern Fairytale's Mouthwatering Monday and All the Small Stuff's Tuesdays at the Table for the Linky
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